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Crow’s Feet

So, “late” lee, I’ve been thinking a lot about my mom (pictured here). She was a true southern gal! We loved the movie, Steel Magnolias We would laugh every time we watched the movie when (I believe) Shelby said, “I’m beyond help.  l’ve discovered the early stages of crow’s feet.” 
My mom reminded me of a little bit of all of those ladies combined.  She was strong, sassy, and loved doing hair and make up. She would fight gravity with skilled strokes of concealer and blush.

Well, I guess I’m way beyond help because I bought myself a magnifying mirror and I noticed that where there was a path of crow’s feet is now a rut! Really?  I mean when did this happen? I think the mirror is going back to the store! 

For real though, I love beauty products. When I was in high school, my mom and I would go shopping for make up when she got paid.  The kicker is we would go to the drug store to buy our make-up and then walk next door to the grocery store to buy our groceries. We didn’t have much money for groceries (it was just the two of us) so she would pick up bread and soup.  She’d look at me and smile with her red lipstick on and say, “Look at us! We are going to be skinny and beautiful!” I’ll never forget those words. She would remind me of that idea every time we went shopping around payday. She continued her love of make up right until she passed away. My sisters and I loved on her polished hands while she was in the ICU.  We teased saying how upset she would be when she learned they had to remove some of it.  (She never found out.)

My mom’s actions are the blame for my love affair with make-up!  I can get lost in an Ulta to this day. If you go with me and expect it to be a short visit,  warning…you’ll have to send in the recruits after me because I’m going to smell, touch, and try all of the products I can! I’m a sucker for buying products on line or other places that promise to turn back time.  I’m pretty sure they must work because I always forget to cancel those recurring payments that keep appearing on my credit card. WHAT?! 

Both of my daughters have revolted against the red lipstick.  They cringe every time I bring up the topic of them needing a pop of color on their face! Sometimes I try to trick them and tell them the color they are curious about isn’t bright, but when they see it, they’ll whip out something to wipe it off before the pigment has time to rest!  Don’t get me wrong, they are beautiful just as they are, but remember, I was trained by Doris! She was like a Michelangelo with make-up! 

I guess I could turn to fillers now since obviously camouflaging my face with make-up isn’t hiding the tread-marks created by the crows that have been walking across it,  but my husband says he loves me the way that I am. Personally, I think he fears I’ll tap into that account of his or dig up some of those jars he has filled with money around his barn. He’s wooing me into thinking he thinks I’m beautiful because he’s saving his money…that old stinker! 

Maybe I should just continue my love affair with cosmetics and wear a brighter shade of lipstick? That’ll divert the attention away from my eyes! But wait, that same mirror also revealed I have some hints of blue, which I’ve always wanted, but couldn’t see before. Maybe I’ll keep the mirror after all…and get some stronger glasses! 🙂 

I think the point of this story is to simply focus on the positives in life! My mom could have stressed over having little money, but instead she chose to enhance our beauty.   I could focus on the crow’s feet around my eyes, but instead I’ll take that tiny hint of blue for the win! Life is never going to be absolutely perfect, but a little bit of red lipstick can brighten anyone’s day!  


Everyone is getting ready.  Shopping carts are filling up while schedules are getting back on track! There’s a special buzz in the air at this time of year. It’s kind of like the one you feel at the holidays. There’s no mistaking it’s time for school to begin.  This will be the first pre-planning; the first Open House; and the first…first day of school I have missed in 31 years. I didn’t even miss the first day of school when my oldest daughter drove herself to Valdosta to move in. (Yep, shame on me!) 

So “Late” Lee, I am feeling kind of weird and way out of the loop! The only life/career I have ever known is moving on without me! What?!  While I’m moving onward, I’m so excited for my colleagues! They are already burning the candle at both ends as they ready their classrooms for the children they don’t yet know.  They’ll create the most beautiful bulletin boards and adorn their walls with colorful artwork and anchor charts. Desks and tables will be carefully arranged to ensure a sense of community.  Books have been leveled and placed in perfect sets while manipulatives of blocks, shapes, numbers and letters are tenderly put in bins to ensure easy access by little hands. Name tags will be written with caring hands and placed upon the table/desks waiting for their little friends. 

All summer long, books and plans have travelled in bags to the beaches and pools, because unlike what most think, a teacher’s job is never done not even when the school is empty and missing everyone.  They are seeking out the most engaging of lessons wanting to give every child their very best! Searching for effective strategies to use when a little one (or two) struggles with learning what’s new. The reading for some can be such a mess as the letters meant to form words only form a string of much less. Then there’s the new math (tee hee) that so many love to hate, but really it’s just unveiling the mystery behind the numbers and algorithms they create! 

When the children walk the halls, they’ll be greeted by numerous genuine smiles as teachers welcome them as part of their class! The routines and procedures will be practiced and reviewed as the school day winds down and day one turns into day two.  

One thing I know for certain and don’t have to be there to confirm,  is the school families I’ve known and loved will welcome their new students and love on them as they learn! Best of luck to all of the school families out there!

Words are formed by joining letters. Stories are the patchwork of life’s experiences…

Writing Connects…

Be yourself; Everyone else is already taken.

— Oscar Wilde.

I hope that you find some source of inspiration every time you read one of my stories. My intention is always to be very real, but to share a sparkle of humor, a source of light, and a gentle lesson from which we can all learn to spread kindness like confetti in a world that seems so discombobulated right now. God bless each and every one of you!

Meet Me

Hello world! I’m jumping out into the blogging world because I love to write! I pray that God will use me and the words/stories I share to inspire others.

I am a retired educator! After 31 years and many prayers, God opened doors that have taken me into a new organization where I can continue sharing my love of learning with others!

My family is my world! I have a husband of 29 years, two daughters, a son-in-law, and a beautiful rainbow granddaughter! I never realized how the heart can expand in love like it does!

I like to try to be fit, but am very real…I like to eat! I will share some of my experiences in hopes that they may help some of you who are also real out there.

I want this to be a place you can come, read a good story, be introduced to some great recipes, products, etc. that enhance your life in a positive manner.

We’ll get together to see what’s happening “Late” Lee!