The other day I was racing (ok, more like a herd of turtles) down the road when I saw them…the cones of change! I knew I was fixin’ to have to detour and it was ruffling my feathers. I had somewhere to be. This detour was not part of my plan.  The road I ended up on took me down an unfamiliar neighborhood of historic homes that were prettier than a litter of speckled pups.   I was captivated by the architecture and colors.   At the end of the detour, I was a little sad because I was certain with my directional challenges I wouldn’t find my way back to this part of town.  Then, it hit me. God must be reminding me I’m trying to control things again and live my plan instead of his. So, he does what he does best with me – he winks and nudges! Has that ever happened to you? Detours don’t just happen on our roadways. They can happen in every aspect of our lives – death of a loved one, a broken relationship, etc. 

So late-Lee, I’ve been on a bit of a career detour.  In the beginning I had no idea what I would be doing as an instructor in a healthcare organization. What on earth was I going to bring to the table? I felt as lost as last year’s Easter egg, but I soon came to the realization that maybe I wasn’t there for the reasons I may have thought.   In the 20 short months I was with the organization, I learned so much. The parallels between being a teacher and working in healthcare are endless. At the heart of all of the work, is a person (whether it be a patient or a student). Every decision, every process, every audit boils down to ensuring the best for that person. 

I often wondered why both of my daughters became nurses.  They were immersed in the world of education from the womb, so how is it they chose such a different path?  After seeing first hand their world, I often puff up with pride like a fancy rooster thinking about the work they were doing. They pour out an enormous amount of sacrifice and heart into every shift. During my time, I witnessed an organization coming together to wage battle against a virus that was determined to wave its victory flag. The markings of N95s impressed upon the faces of front-line staff were visible reminders of the battles they had just fought.  My heart wept for those who lost loved ones and couldn’t be with them and for the staff that held the hands of those who left this earth. I prayed for all as they fought the battles and lived with the fear of taking the virus home to their own loved ones.  The pictures you may have seen on television or on social media, I saw in person and in my own house! I celebrated with people I didn’t know as they received their vaccination. It made them feel stronger! Their gratitude for the teams working the vaccine clinics was beyond measure. It made my heart full!

As I now ready myself for a more familiar journey, I thank God for this detour. I have tremendous respect for those in healthcare. I remain in awe of the compassionate care provided by those in this field.  Every role and every department in the organization matters.  I trusted God as he took me on this detour and I realize now I may not have been there to have an impact on the organization, but rather for the organization to have an impact on me.  I have new friends as a result of this detour and a better understanding of the world my daughters chose. I’m leaving thankful for this time! 

Our mindsets shape the way we view the detours we encounter!  We can grip the steering wheel with white knuckles and scowls like we have a burr in our saddle or we can relax and view them with an open mind and an open heart.  At the end of the detour, we will often find our lives have been enriched by the experience. God makes no mistakes!


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