It’s been forever since I’ve connected with you guys! I haven’t felt very inspired late-Lee, so I did some reflection. I love to do that from time to time. I usually sit by our pond and close my eyes. I ask God to reveal to me His plan. Romans 12:2 reminds us to do this. In it we find, “Do not be conformed of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” I find that when I’m feeling off track it’s because I am trying to be my own life pilot. Big mistake! Reflection is good for the soul. It’s an opportunity for you to see the blessings instead of the failures you might focus on.

During this time of year, Hallmark also does a beautiful job of making people like me, you know those gooey-hearted people who get lost in the twinkling of the lights, rekindled loves, and the scent and warmth of a yummy cookie kind of person, get into a festive mood! 

I have literally watched a Christmas movie every day this past week. It helped me find a zip in my step as I readied myself for work! It was soul-healing…heart filling! I find myself as happy as a hog in a wallow!

I am determined to relish every moment of life. A beautiful friend of mine, who lost one of her sons recently, challenged all of us to not waste a single minute of the assignment(s) God gives me. I will make it a point to honor her challenge in loving memory of her precious son!

So, here I sit pondering Thanksgiving and all that I have to be thankful for in my life. This past year has presented a unique set of challenges and changes! I refuse to see them as road blocks! They just mean we have to do things a little more creatively. Last year, I cooked a turkey for Thanksgiving for the very first time. I can feel you shaking your head in disbelief, so I attached a video here for you to see. Roll your eyes or laugh out loud, it doesn’t matter. That bird turned out so yummy! I may just do it again this year. But, hopefully not! I would much rather my fella smoke that bird!

I am trying very hard to make it to Thanksgiving so I may relish this holiday too! You may recall from my post I had already decorated at this time of year. It was wonderful! The dreadful time change makes it so dark! I enjoy all of the lights used to decorate for Christmas.

Holidays can be wonderful! There may be family or friends that you get to finally see after what seems like a month of Sundays. In that same vein, you may very well wish some of these same folks would leave and not let the screen door hit them where the good Lord split them…bless their hearts! 

I am practicing total restraint. The urge to deck the halls is almost overwhelming! I have been listening to Christmas music already and as I shared previously, I have been watching Christmas movies. Yes, I have an addiction to the sparkles of the season!

Traditions are a funny thing. They are awesome if you are the type of person who likes to know the plan in advance. I mean think about it…you literally know a year in advance what you are going to be doing. I know that on Christmas Eve at 10 o’clock in the morning I will be making Christmas yummies such as cookies, fudge, pies, etc with my sisters, daughters, and granddaughter and nieces and nephews that were able to come. Before my mom passed away she would join us.  Which to me can make traditions kind of sad too. You try to continue with them even though you feel the void of those who are no longer living or those who can’t make it for some reason. That can be rough. You try to make yourself feel better by telling yourself they would want that, but would they? 

My mom always said it was bad luck if you take your tree down before New Year’s Day. Others say you shouldn’t leave your tree up into the new year because it drags the previous year a new one. Not sure about what you’re thinking, but I would like 2020 to stay where it is just like I made sure in 2013, my tree was down on 12/31. My mom died that year and I barely decorated. The following year I felt like I needed to go all out because she loved to decorate! In an odd way it made me feel closer to her! 

I’ve been on the search for some new holiday activities this year. I’m not sure if my family will be all together, so I want to do some things that are new and different.  What kind  of things do you do?  

Maybe those of us who are stuck in a traditions rut should be more adventurous and live in the moment. We can create so many new memories that way. And then we aren’t having moments that bring a little sadness to our hearts. We can figure out new ways to celebrate being together and honoring the memories of those we loved and lost. I think our loved ones would want us to live life and celebrate every moment we have together. After all, the next second is not a guarantee! Don’t put plans off! 

If you need some ideas, I’ve included some links to some really cool ideas on Pinterest for you to check out as you start thinking about how you want to proceed through this holiday season. Old traditions or new adventures, it doesn’t matter! Just live, laugh, and love what you do and who you are doing it with!  I’ll continue looking for more to share. DIY Cedar Garland Homemade Christmas tree decor – How to make Dried Citrus Ornaments Homemade Christmas tree decor – DIY Embroidery Hoop Ornaments Homemade Christmas tree decor – Easy ways to decorate clear ornaments Homemade Advent Calendar – 16 creative Advent Calendars Christmas traditions countdown calendar

Update: The urge was too much! Christmas decorating has commenced! Taking my own advice, I am living in this moment! What about you?

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