So late-Lee I have been trying my hand at growing flowers.  Considering I’m 50, I would say that I’m definitely a late bloomer…tee hee!  Now, don’t get me wrong, I have dabbled with them over the years. My Mama worked hard to help me acquire the beautiful green thumb she had, but I think the color faded by the time it got to me. Both of my sisters are gifted at growing flowers, but when you come to my house, it looks like the forgotten land. Over yonder at our barn, you will often find a thriving garden that my husband and his friend tend to seasonally.  They have grown amazing veggies! But on this side of the land, the outcomes are not quite the same. I’ve bought beautiful flowers that I have planted and enjoyed for a couple of days only to watch them begin to wither away. So the cycle has continued…until now…

A couple of months ago, my husband and I spent an entire day clearing out this one flower bed. We were busier than a cat on a hot tin roof.  We cut shrubs back that had grown into trees and marveled at the fact we could actually see windows again.  The downside to that is that they needed cleaning terribly. (So, that’s another project on my list. Argh!) I was pretty certain that if his hands participated in this project, I would have better luck. I didn’t tell him that though. I wouldn’t want him to get a big head!   We dug that bed out so that it was clear of all weeds. I have admit it was quite therapeutic. It was like a purging of all the bad stuff and don’t we need to do that in our lives from time to time? After lining it and filling it with mulch, I bought beautiful flowers and planted them in pots because I haven’t had much luck with them in the ground and to my amazement they are still alive. I’m tickled pink at the success I’m having!  I’m thankful for the many rains we are getting because I know that it’s those rains that are keeping them in good shape.  I like to think that rainwater is kissed by God, so they receive a real blessing everytime it happens.  

One flower has really stood out to me.  My husband has even commented on it a few times.  It’s beautiful. It’s yellow and sunny looking! The odd thing about this flower is it is literally floating in the pot because the pot has filled with water.  It leans outward searching for it’s daily dose of sunshine.  It’s not a water plant and in fact I planted it in soil, but where it’s located the water just falls from the roof so all of the soil has worked it’s way out.  I am amazed at its will to not only survive, but thrive in its new environment.  I’m not sure what to do, but naturally, it has me thinking.  

Aren’t we like those yellow flowers? When we find ourselves living in times of the creeks rising, we often find ourselves uprooted. We may move to a new home or to another part of the state or country.  We may change positions or jobs entirely. There may be times in our lives when we find ourselves grieving the loss of someone we love. Perhaps a divorce has caused your world to turn upside down.  You may find yourself simply worn out. During those times, the roots that kept us firmly connected are suddenly searching for something to grab hold of tightly.

Seeing those flowers serves as a reminder that when we find ourselves uprooted, we can still bloom.  We may find ourselves in a new season, but it doesn’t have to be a time of survival. It can be a time of revival!   In 1 Peter-1-23, we hear from Peter.  He is reminding us that we were brought into the world by a perishable seed of our parents, but through God, we can be born anew  through an imperishable seed only God can provide.  

If you find yourself in a season where your roots are floating in water, use the soil of God’s word to help ground them in faith.  You’ll find yourself blooming in a way that brings joy to those around you just like my sweet little yellow flower does as it welcomes me home each day.  

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