So late-Lee, I have been dealing with anxiety. This may come as a shock to some, but the reality is many people who look like they have their act together may be falling apart on the inside. Fortunately I am not in a million pieces, but I do have a piece falling out of place along and along. My husband has told me more times than I can count that I am as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. I am not looking for sympathy (or rocking chairs for that matter) just setting the stage for my story.

Yesterday, we took our jet ski out and enjoyed a beautiful pre-tropical storm day out on the river! Unless I have checked Weatherbug and know of a good chance of storms, I am totally chill on the water. It’s the one place I am not anxious or stressed. One thing I always get a giggle about is anytime we are riding the ski, out in the boat, or riding four wheelers, etc my husband turns his hat around and without the need for anymore words, I know it’s game on so I had better hold on! Yesterday was no different! That hat was turned around numerous times. He likes to go faster that butter melting on a hot biscuit!

So naturally in my element when the ski is racing through the water, I do my best stress-free thinking. My thoughts have been all over the place late-Lee. I think about our healthcare workers who have been dealing with Covid-19 for months now. Within the last month the surge our area has seen has challenged them, but like true heroes, they brave every shift they work with courage that even Superman couldn’t match. Being the mom of a nurse who has volunteered to work with these patients caring for them and (as I try to remind her every time ) bring in a little light of sweetness to them, I find myself worrying about her but she reminds me that she can do this! I realize in the future I will have another daughter who will one day end up working with very ill patients as a nurse too. She knows she, too, will need to be that same source of light. I am pretty sure my knees will be calloused from the knee-mails I will be sending to God. But, I have to remind myself what God wants us to do! He wants us to be a light for others here on earth! As a mom, it brings joy to my heart knowing what one of my nursing daughters is currently doing and then it swells like rising yeast at knowing my other daughter will join her in these battles one day.

I have been blessed to be a part of two professions that at the very root of their service is something called, “heart work!” That kind of work is truly special! But I continue to see the already stressed and worried posts by teachers, some of whom I know personally,  and others I do not know at all. I know their fears are real and should not be ignored.  If I was with them now,  I would remind them that they, too, are called to be a source of light for the students and fellow staff they will interact with daily. Like patients need their nurses, providers, and other healthcare team members, students need their teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, custodians, etc. 

Stress is often the result of the unknowns, so arm yourself with the knowns! Wear your mask, sanitize your hands often, wear goggles or a face shield and know this…like patients, your students will get to know your eyes! They will see them sparkle and will notice how your nose crinkles at the top when you smile! They will hear the smile in your voice and feel the love through your words! Love and kindness can coexist even when the mask is on! Make sure you do welfare checks on one another. Things will happen that may cause you to have little pieces falling out of place on the inside. Chances are if it is happening to you, someone you know is having the same problem. We can look put together for a while, but eventually our eyes may leak a little. We don’t have to go through it alone. Be someone else’s glue and they will be yours.

So, how do you ease your fears and move forward to face the challenges you will undoubtedly face? You need to turn your hat backwards and lean into the wind! Treat the obstacles you will face as welcomed challenges. Show your students that when life gets hard, we can either crawl back under the covers or we can throw them off because we are tough as pine knots and meet the day like you are on the best ride of your life!


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